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Republic of India: Seven Glorious Decades

Salim Desai Thursday, January 18, 2018
Republic of India: Seven Glorious Decades

Congratulations to my fellow Indian brothers and sisters on the occasion of 69th Republic Day of India.

As a nation, Republic and Independence days are of supreme importance as compared to any other day. Though India became independent in 1947, we can say, it was born as unified nation with clear identity when it was declared sovereign state, on Jan 26, 1950.

As a citizen of India, I am proud that India is governed by constitution which was architect by visionary leaders who fought for freedom and unity of India.

Today we take pride at being an Indian and proudly watch the Republic day parade, see our President hoist national flag, hear our prime minister’s speech from historic red fort and feel confident about our military strength and astonished with various cultural showcases.

Of course, this confidence is due to achievement of India from nowhere to potential superpower, after nation building process based on constitution, planning and execution of many visionary leaders.

Adopting acceptable constitution to build unified nation was a seriously challenging task after independence. India is extremely diversified country having different languages, cultures, castes, religions etc.

Different regions also had different resources, literacy and development. So they adopted federal structure where rights and duties of states and federal government are clearly differentiated and articulated for building of strong nation keeping its regional or local identity.

Our architect of constitution and visionary leaders always knew that nation can become strong and progressive only when all groups of people will have sense of belongingness and assured about brotherhood, justice, equality and liberty. So every Indian citizen has been granted following fundamental rights which can’t be compromised.

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among

them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

After seven decades, when we look back as a nation, we can say that our leaders have laid very strong foundation of this nation with great constitution and India has emerged as largest and mature democratic state in the world. Today, as an Indian, we are respected around the world and we are leaving footprints wherever we go with our knowledge, skills, hard work and honesty.

In seven decades, India has achieved many milestones like:

-Green revolution from late 60’s to become self-sufficient in food production

-White revolution in milk production

-Atomic power in 1974

-Space power (first satellite in 1975)

-lT Superpower

-Life expectancy from 41 years to 68 years

-Literacy rate from under 20% to 72%

-Gross domestic product of around USD 2.4 Trillion and considered in top five economies of the world.

And many more

Today India is

-leading exporter of IT services

-largest producer of milk

-2nd largest exporter of meat products

-2nd largest producer of wheat

-2nd largest producer of rice

And many more

During these seven decades, India also fought four wars and emerged as strong nation when it is required.

I believe constitution of India is fundamental in nation building and its progress as citizens are assured of protection of their rights. So let’s celebrate our independence, our freedom. Let’s salute our freedom fighters and visionary leaders who brought freedom to us and rejoice.

Let’s pledge to glorify our motherland with our responsible behavior based on constitutional rights, duties and brotherhood. Let’s set an example to the world as Mahatma Gandhi said” Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization”.


Salim Desai is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with Al Razzi Holding Co KSC. He holds MBA, CMA, CIPA and also passed CPA. He is an expertise in Finance analysis and Investments and passionate educationist.
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