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Thanks Giving Day

Vijay Anant Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanks Giving Day

Thanksgiving Day is a day which is dedicated to thank all the people who have made a difference in your life and have played a major role in your life. When you start counting them, you find they are innumerable. Thanksgiving history starts with the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the Native Americans that took place in the autumn of 1621. Although they did have a three-day feast in celebration of a good harvest, and the local natives did participate, this "first thanksgiving" was not a holiday, simply a gathering. There is little evidence that this feast of thanks led directly to our modern Thanksgiving Day holiday. Thanksgiving can, however, be traced back to 1863 when Pres. Lincoln became the first president to proclaim Thanksgiving Day.

We thank people because we know how it feels when we are thanked and honored. You must have heard people sometimes talking about how they feel when they are not appreciated-- all of us have heard that. Gratitude is a virtue, when you express it; somehow it warms your heart and improves how you perceive things. When you share gratitude and thank someone, you invest in that person's future while recognizing their past. You call-out of them the best and highest things and validate them. You encourage them to repeat positive behaviors. When you thank people you bring encouragement and a measure of healing to their soul. You create a change in the atmosphere not only between you and that person but for others who observe your expression of gratitude. On this day you can thank them and make them feel that they are very special and mean a lot to you and you appreciate all the little things that they have done for you.

Reasons or Occasions to Thank People:

- Thank someone for their generosity

- Share thoughts and stories of appreciation about the people who made a difference in your life.

- Express thanks to a boss who believed in you.

- Write someone a thank you note. Honor them for always being encouraging.

- Thank someone for their love.

- Thank people who have worked hard for you.

On this day I would like to thank some people who have made a huge difference in my life.

Some of them are

My cricket coaching Sirs – Mr. Ashok & Mr. Ramesh. The IIK Team for doing so much for me which I can’t express in words. My beautiful and lovely mother for taking such good care of me, doing so much for me and supporting me in every possible way.

My grandparents for supporting me and helping me in all ways. My toastmaster Mentors: Mr. Muthukumaran Sir and Mr. Kannan Ravi Sir and Mr. Surya Prakash Sir.

And many other important people in my life including my friends and teachers.

So I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day and hope that all of you would also thank the important people of your life who have made you what you are.


Vijay Anant
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