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The Holy Month of Ramadan.

Evan Sunil Abraham, IIK Young Contributor Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The Holy Month of Ramadan.

Islam is the second-largest religion after Christianity and has the follower count of approximately 1.5 billion. Islam originated around Arabia and it spread around the world. Muslims believed that a prophet named Muhammad (PUBH) started receiving guidance from Allah and these revelations were combined to form the Holy Book of Islams named The Quran. Islams believed that the prophet Muhammad (PUBH) was the last in the line of the prophets sent by Allah. He acted as a messenger of Allah and he also guided man.

Ramadan the holy month of fasting which is celebrated as the remembrance when the prophet Muhammad (PUBH) received the revelations to form the Quran. During the month of Ramadan, the Muslims fast all day and are also supposed to remove all kinds of impure thoughts from their mind. They break their fast at dawn. At the end of Ramadan, the Muslims break their fasting for a month by the start of a three-day festival known as the Eid al-Fitr. It is one of the major holidays in the Islamic calendar. Ramadan 2020 starts at the sunset on Thursday, April 23, and ends on Saturday, May 23.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said and I quote:

"When Ramadan begins, the gates of paradise are opened."

Let us pray for the health and goodness of mind for all our Muslim brothers and sisters who are taking this fast on the Holy Month of Ramadan!

Evan Sunil Abraham
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