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Together we live, Together we succeed

Muhammed Rayhaan, IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Together we live, Together we succeed

John Woodens once said, “Little things make big things happen”. Big things are what amuse us all the time. They captivate us and make us feel happy about them.

If we look this quote in a different angle and compare these two, big and small things respectively to countries, we realise it is the small tiny countries that run the world way faster than the big ones, other than exceptions.

Not surprisingly, almost 14 of the 20 richest countries in the world are smaller than Oman, and 13 of them are one of the least corrupt nations. This is because big countries face high economic, social, military, ambitious problems. Well it is not so striking that in the world human development index, China ranks 90 and Indonesia ranks 110.

Well without a doubt it could be clearly drawn to attention that a huge percentage of big countries’ development is catered by small countries. Taking into consideration that Vietnam and Ireland together export to America with a worth of $100 million combined.

But narrowing down, today, in this very article we are not talking about such trades, we are talking about a relation, which is not only based on trade, but a relation that bears fruits for both countries. A kind of relation where a tiny little country and a massive country are with each other and give each other a chance to develop further. We are talking about the astounding Indo-Kuwait relationship.

As a matter of fact, it is not so surprising that about 640,000 people living in Kuwait are primarily Indians and that India’s 10-12% of oil used in a year is being exported from Kuwait. This is the main factor that makes this friendly Indo-Kuwait relationship so special.

It is also well proved from the ancient Kuwaiti tradition of pearl fishing and related activities and one of the major markets for this activity was Bombay(Mumbai), the financial capital of India.

Besides trade and economy related exchanges, Kuwait and India have also come together in a lot of activities in the field of science and technology such as medical improvements and also bore fruits in the field of education and culture.

Kuwait also contributes towards India by raising a hand towards support for India during the Indo-Chinese conflicts. In the contrast, even India had handed over their support when Kuwait clashed with Iraq in the early 1990’s

If we fast forward to the future, we see that Kuwait and India’s relation strengthens to such an extent where we feel living in India in this small and blessed country.

And that’s the article, I would like to conclude by giving over a big salute to the state of Kuwait on behalf of all of us for letting us here and taking good care of us, letting us push forward in this global village. “Shukran Kuwait”

Muhammed Rayhaan
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