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Why Kuwait is more than my second home

Vivek Unnikrishnan Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Why Kuwait is more than my second home

Kuwait a small country in the Middle East, flanked by the Arabian Sea and surrounded by many other gulf countries. But let not its size fool you, because it has a really big heart. For decades, we Indians have been living in Kuwait. It is not only Indians but also people from other nationalities who have been living here with their families. When we ask some people why they have come to Kuwait, they say they have come to get a job. But for me, living here for the past 17 years, I feel Kuwait has becoming more than my second home.

Our country India is a beautiful country. Our country is rich, in the sense that it is diverse and vast. At the same time, our country is still a developing country and so in order to seek better job opportunities, we go to different countries. Kuwait has greeted us with open hands and providing us with a place to live and work. What I love about Kuwait can be summarized in three words- peace, safety and order.

Kuwait has a great judicial system and laws are passed and enforced strictly. The crime in Kuwait is therefore much less. Anyone can walk in the streets even at night because of the ample lighting facilities and the surveillance of a strong police department. We can approach the Kuwait police with our complaints and they treat our requests equally. This makes Kuwait safe and peaceful to live in. Law and order in this country is maintained beautifully. Even if they have less water resources, they have invested to provide everyone with clean drinking water. The roads and streets are well maintained and the garbage is taken out daily. This shows the beauty of Kuwait. When we used to learn about the history of Kuwait, I used to find a lot of differences and similarities with our own motherland India. The differences I noticed were in their lifestyles, the living conditions and their ways of living. But our countries were similar, similar in the way they treat their guests and family. This was reminiscent to the age old saying in our country “Aditi Devo Bhava”.

Another feature of Kuwait and its citizens is the hospitability they show to the expatriates. We are given all the facilities in Kuwait to live and work. India and Kuwait have a long and strong relation, making Kuwait more than our second home. Kuwait has helped us by providing Indian schools, setting up Indian business and providing us with good homes to stay. Indeed Kuwait is no small country. Rather it has become a living embodiment of hospitality. There are a lot of things our country can learn from Kuwait so that our country too can prosper and flourish.

On account of the national day of Kuwait, I wish that this peace and order will prevail in Kuwait and continue to be an idol of hospitality. Let this bond of friendship remain intact and let Kuwait continue to become an umbrella for those coming here. For we are Indians, who are forever in debt to this small country with a large heart.

Vivek Unnikrishnan
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